Investor Ready Programme


Investor Ready Programme

Applicants will apply online and will be selected to participate on a short highly focused Investor Ready Programme  incorporating 1 to 1 mentoring which will assist you prepare an investor ready plan. In addition the programme will help you tailor a powerful investor pitch. At the conclusion of the programme you will have the opportunity to make a formal pitch to an Investor Panel-including The Local Enterprise Office; Enterprise Ireland; MFI; HBAN in order to potentially secure a grant  investment of up to €25k to implement your investor ready plan.


  • 6 workshops over 4 weeks comprising the following modules
    1. Strategy for growth and development – The framework
    2. Strategy for growth and development –  The detail
    3. The marketing plan and its implementation
    4. Entrepreneurial and management capability
    5. The financial plan and raising the money
    6. Completing your investor ready plan
  • One to one mentoring throughout the 4 weeks
  • Presentation of investor ready plan and pitch to Investors.
  • Awarding of LEO Grant Investment and feedback from other potential investors